Welcome to my blog!
I am my marine biologist(-ish), specializing in microbiology. Come read my posts as I try to navigate this crazy hobby, as we shout 'it's so so fishy!' in tandem at the mass of conflicting information available, trying to discern exactly what's correct and what's not... which often boils down to context. :3
A Short Guide to Fish-In Cycling
Let's Talk Filtration (And How 'Filter-less' Aquariums Work)
The Many Shades of 'Texas' Cichlids
Should Plants Be Added During or After the Cycle?
So, What Does Transferring Established Biomedia Actually Do?
Ammonia - Utilization as an Energy Versus a Nitrogen Source
Estimating How Much Ammonia Your Feeding Produces
A Guide to Fishless Cycling Using Fish Food (Ghostfeeding)
The Many Definitions of a ‘Cycled Aquarium'
The Feeding Habits of Nitrifiers (That We Want to Grow in Our Aquariums)
Why a 100% Water Change Is Not Always a Bad Thing
To Change, or Not to Change (Water During a Cycle)
A Short (And Long) Guide to Aquarium Cycling