Just a fyi, 'rubbish bin' aquariums are defined as those that not only have just a random mix of live stock, but also is usually the target for stocking when no other better option is available, and this can be just where all manners of different live stock is added without regard for parameters, compatibility, etc.
This is my first true 'rubbish bin' aquarium. I will constantly update this first post until the time in which the setup is truly determined to have ended being a 'rubbish bin' aquarium.
Current stocking
Rheoheros lentiginosus (Freckled Cichlid), x6
African cichlids, x4
Clown loach, x1
Amatitlania nigrofasciata (Convict Cichlid), x1
Amatitlania nanolutea, x1
Herichthys carpintis (Green Texas Cichlid), x2
Previous stocking
Well, unfortunately loss the guppy today. Reason is unclear, no attention was paid to it by any other fish. It did have a very fat belly though, potentially overfed/bloated that lead to death.