This is a test setup using my old ten gallon ten. It is intended to see what happens if not only is there more than two clownfish (i.e. not recommended), but a mix too (again, not currently recommended), of juvenile clownfish growing up together.
Current stocking
Previous stocking
Unfortunately the ocellaris died one by one. They arrived very small and just died off one after another. The remaining three died when I was on holidays due to heater failure.
With nothing in the tank, there is a chance of a reset. So I let it ran for about a week now, getting a new heater, a new submersible light to grow the chaeto, and then shifted things around as well. Depletion of nutrients, especially with the chaeto growth promoted, is preventing algae from growing back. I have decided to retry a reef aquarium, getting a bunch of corals that I will try to let grow for a while before re-adding fish. Let's see how it all goes.